To all our supportive customers:
THANK YOU for your patience and understanding during these ever-changing and challenging times.
In this blog, we would like to take you behind the scenes of what is happening at The Full Pantry.
By now, you are probably aware that we no longer provide walk-in customer service, except for those purchasing on-tap products that are unavailable online (this includes refills of peanut butter, oil, honeys, cleaning products etc).
Instead, our main avenue of orders are received through our website – Any product that you cannot see listed online, or any product that you would like to make a note on (e.g. 30g ground cumin), please place in the comments/notes section on the checkout page. For those who do not have access to the ‘online way of life’, we are able to take your order on the phone – 9723 7466.
Our cafe, once a place of hospitality, has now been transformed into a makeshift warehouse! Tables that used to contain coffee cups and plates of food, now contain boxes upon boxes of customers’ orders.
Once your order is placed online, it will be printed and written out on the appropriate bag size (by our barista), ready for the next step in the process.
Our hard working staff will then package each item on the order. These guys don’t really stop all day…
Once completed, your order makes it’s way upstairs to the cafe, where you will be sent a text and notified that your order is ready for pickup.
Your order now joins the many others, waiting on cafe tables, ready to be picked up. We are also finding room in the store as well… wherever there is an organised and workable space!
As you can see, processing online orders is quite a labour-intensive exercise. Unfortunately, with added labour comes extra cost, both for us and the customer. We understand that for many of you who regularly shop in-store, the $5.00 “Shipping – Package & Handling” charge may come as a surprise. However, this fee has always been a part of the cost for those wanting to “Click and Collect”. Whether an order takes 10 minutes to complete or 45 minutes to complete… we only ask $5 for the service. Our business was never designed to be primarily an online service, however we are adapting as best we can to still accommodate the shopping needs of the community.
** Please note, there is a 2-4 day delay on all orders, so please try to plan ahead with your shopping.
Our cafe has also adapted to put together colourful and healthy Essential Supply Boxes.
You can order these boxes of goodness via Facebook or Instagram.
Ready-made takeaway meals are also being supplied by our chefs. You can pre-order them through all the avenues mentioned above, or you can purchase them in the fridge located in the entrance of the store. For a list of the ready-made meals, check out our cafe page by clicking here.
Last, but not least, our cafe is still open and serving takeaway coffees alongside our delicious muffins and friands! We still do not sell beverages in any form of disposable cup, so please come prepared with your keepcups and mugs, and we will be happy to serve you in the most hygienic way known in the industry – we don’t even touch your cup! Please refer to our cafe page for more details – click here.
We all desperately miss the personable service that we are used to providing, and we very much look forward to fully opening our doors so you can all enjoy the shopping experience at The Full Pantry again!
One comment
Teresa Soderlund
Thank you for the blog on how business has changed for The Full Pantry. I’ve been a long time customer, since your store was located in Kent Ave… I am very happy to keep shopping at The Full Pantry, I love that you are adapting and keeping your business running. Keep up the good work, we’re with you!